These bubble poly mailer bags have lightweight shipping benefits, not to mention they are used by major online retailers. Branded retail packaging is one of the elements of the customer experience, which can turn an otherwise forgettable experience into an actual great unboxing moment.

And in this highly visual era of social media, the right branded packaging can translate into sales. In fact, as an online retailer, you likely put care and thought into every element of the user experience, from your home page and product descriptions to your emails and checkout page. So, consider the retail packaging as the final step in the customer journey — and one of the most important ones.

Spread the word and take advantage of a versatile, affordable, and effective marketing solution with Bubble Poly Mailers.

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  • Bubble lining to protect the item
  • Second adhesive strip to create a new closure when returning.
  • Used by major online retailers.
  • Reusable & Recyclable.
  • Custom Sizing Available.
  • Stock Item.

Recommended Size: W 10″ x H 13″


Customize these mailer bags and elevate your customer experience with your choice in size, colour, and artwork or logo design. Build out this item to be a physical embodiment of your brand!


Reach out to one of our OasisMade representatives and create the perfect point-of-sale packaging experience for these bubble poly mailers. The options that we offer for custom capabilities let you build out your dream item inside and out. Design the right packaging solution to match your product, beautifully packaged and ready for the store shelves.

Get a quote today and learn more about how you can customize this item and turn it into a great eco-friendly solution for your business!