An E-commerce retail business intends to switch to more sustainable packaging throughout the online shopping experience. The online company historically shipped their products in poly mailers, but they were unrecyclable. The plan is to roll out effectively before the Holiday season.
To reduce raw material consumption and decrease waste generation of the delivery packaging of the products, our team coordinated the implementation of compostable mailer bags as an alternative to single-use plastic mailers.
With proper disposal, the compostable mailer breaks down into natural components that aid in healthy soil. Instructions were included so the customer knows what to do with it.
To increase the re-use for delivery packaging, the compostable mailer bags have a second adhesive to create a new closure. They are easily reusable. A great option to be used if a customer is returning the product.
The mailer bag was branded to match the client’s artwork and requirements with top to bottom customization for a streamlined customer experience. We consulted with the in-house buying team to ensure they are built strong to resist rips and tears while in use.
Our support and logistics team managed logistics, deliveries, and timelines for distribution.

In the end, our client made significant sustainable improvements to its business strategy. Not only eliminating waste generation on the delivery package but also creating an additional lightweight shipping benefit of traditional poly mailers. The goal in the future is to reduce additional plastic waste in the product package. We encourage and support this change, and we are ready to the assistant during this next step.