Normal plastic produce bags are typically thrown out after a single use. By switching to reusable bags you would be contributing to reducing the overall consumption of one-time-use plastic bags. Reusable bulk bags are also more convenient, as you can use the bags for other things as well.

These bags have enough durability that you can use them for years to come. They can hold up more weight than a regular plastic bag or paper bag, and give you a better grip. These bulk bags are termed reusable as they can be washed, cleaned, dried and then used again!

If you are looking for options to live a zero-waste lifestyle and have decided to make a conscious effort to cut down on disposable plastic – our Reusable Bulk Bags are a convenient eco-friendly option. These bags are a practical storage solution for bulk purchases such as rice, dried beans, nuts, coffee, pasta and grains.

Take these lightweight bags with you for bulk shopping- they are light to transport and then easily unload them at home into your glass jars.

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  • Reusable option when shopping for unpackaged bulk items
  • Washable
  • Zero waste
  • Convenient drawstring
  • Custom options available


Customize these cotton bulk bags and elevate your customer experience with your choice in size, colour, and artwork or logo design. Build out this item to be a physical embodiment of your brand.


Reach out to one of our OasisMade representatives and create the perfect point of sale packaging experience for these reusable bulk bags. The options that we offer for custom capabilities let you build out your dream item inside and out. Design the right packaging solution to match your product, beautifully packaged and ready for the store shelves.

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